It is 6 am and Tapan is there with his Safari Jeep to take you on an exciting trip to the ‘Kakoijana’ jungle. Kakoijana, contiguous to the famous Manas National Park, is a place that houses the fabled Golden Langurs or Trachypithecus gee.

Fortunately, these Langurs, considered to be among the world’s 25 most endangered primates have found a safe home here.

Kakoijana Jungle

After almost two hours of drive, you reach “Kakoijana”. But before entering this place you are supposed to do a couple of things. First, pay entry fees of Rs 20/-, and hire a local guide.

So, with your camera ready to shoot, you walk into a place filled with copious bamboo trees. Almost immediately you spot a beautiful black face, golden coated Langur. With dark rust color hair on their chest and flank, he is seen walking on a Bamboo tree close by. As he moves ahead, you are delighted to see a few others of his clan follow him. It has thus created an interesting spectacle.

Within moments of about twenty to twenty-five, they are seen springing from branch to branch with amazing alacrity. You follow each one of them assiduously as they leap flawlessly from one branch to another. Their exceptionally long and seemingly strong tail probably aids them in this endeavor.

Watching them savor their choicest food like leaves, seeds, buds, or flowers, you imagine it must be their breakfast time.

Without being in a hurry, you wait to get their best poses, and they occasionally oblige. Eventually, two hours pass without even realizing it. Nevertheless, you are pleased for having been able to capture some of their amusing movements.

After a while, these satiated herbivorous monkeys move deeper into the forest. They are now beyond your reach, so you decide to pack and leave.

Once back at the resort, post-lunch as you prepare to take a short nap in your cottage. Just then you notice a beautiful bird sucking honey from a tree just outside your cottage. With uncanny energy, you go in, pick your camera and position yourself outside the cottage.

You then wait in anticipation to capture the image of this bird along with others that may fly in. And honestly, you are not disappointed.

Bronzed Drongo 1

Bronzed Drongo

Asian Pied Starling

Asian Pied Starling

Red Vented Bulbul

Red Vented Bulbul

Lineated Barbet

Lineated Barbet

Manas National Park

It is 3.00 pm and time to commence the half-day Safari into Manas National Park. Barely a few meters inside the park, you are stunned to see an attractive Peacock to your right. He is dancing with its long feathers beautifully spread, an obvious sign to attract a peahen and mate. You halt for a while to enjoy the act and also capture some pictures.

A Little further, you come across an interesting orange-bellied, black body Himalayan Squirrel. With its long fluffy black tail, he’s seen perched precariously on one of the huge tree branches. As you stop, he keenly observes you as you point the camera towards him,

Next, there is a barking deer in addition to tons of incredibly beautiful birds along the way. The Crested Serpent Eagle adorning distinct plumage is enough to fascinate any nature/bird lover. Needless to say, you try your best to capture as many of them in your camera.

Himalayan Squirrel

Orange bellied Himalayan Squirrel

Barking Deer

Barking Deer

Golden fronted leaf bird 1

Golden-fronted leaf bird

Golden fronted leaf bird 2

Golden-fronted leaf bird

Grey Backed Shrike

Grey Backed Shrike

Indochinese Roller

Indochinese Roller

Jungle Myna

Jungle Myna

Red Vented Bulbul 3

Red Vented Bulbul

Red-bellied Woodpecker 4

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Rufous Necked Laughingthrush

Rufous Necked Laughingthrush

Rufous Treepie

Rufous Treepie

White rumped Shama

White-rumped Shama

White Throated Kingfisher

White Throated Kingfisher

Asian Barred Owlet

Asian Barred Owlet

Asian Fairy Blue Bird 2

Asian Fairy Blue Bird

Crested Serpent Eagle

Crested Serpent Eagle

Moving ahead, families of massively built forest Buffalos with un-mistakable long horns are seen busy grazing at a distance even as pair of colorful Khaleez Peasants (Male & Female) nonchalantly crosses your path.


Herd of Elephants along with few calves can now be seen scattered all around albeit at a distance. However, the Tuskers among them tends to capture more of your attention. So, to get a better perspective of this herd, you climb up a Forest Camp nearby and watch.

Same Evening

As you are engrossed watching these pachyderms, quite some time has passed. Meanwhile, ‘Bhulai Banaya’, the caretaker of this camp prepares and offers you hot cup of Tea. His this unexpected hospitality was appreciated. After a short interesting interaction with ‘Bhulai Banaya’ and with his co-dwellers, you leave but not before having their picture.

Forest caretakers

Forest caretakers




The Sun has just set and as you are on your way back, voila ! a single Elephant with an unmistakable single Tusk is seen grazing near-by. Tapan notices and draws your attention towards him and nearly screams – “This is Ganesh”.

Excited as one could be, you endeavor to take as many pictures of this supposedly revered “Ganesh” as you can. So despite the challenging light you still go on with your clicks by reducing camera’s shutter speed. The only option you can exercise under the circumstance.

Back at your resort, after day 1 yesterday and day 2 today, you have couple of drinks followed by dinner and go to bed. Next morning is a schedule to explore this acclaimed jungle yet again.

Click here to learn about the day 1 experience at Manas National Park


  • Anonymous

    April 18, 2019

    Waa .. great Bhupi doing excellent work…keep going .Best Luck

  • Anonymous

    April 18, 2019


  • Sanjay Chopra

    April 18, 2019

    Good… Keep exploring

    • Sushma lehri

      April 19, 2019

      Excellent photographs, excellent description. Such a graphic story that I feel that every nature / wildlife photographer must visit Manas National Park, Assam. I can imagine how much effort you have put for the above photographs of birds and animals.

      • Rajesh AJMERA

        April 24, 2019

        Beautiful pictures and incredible effort to patiently click pictures
        The rare birds and altogether nice pictures of tuskers,with adoring wings spread peacock
        Dancing to reveal his happiness,
        Definitely an awesome experience

  • Anonymous

    April 18, 2019

    Wow beautiful experience to remain in memories for the rest of ur life keep exploring the beautiful nature✌

  • Anonymous

    April 18, 2019

    You are super genious sir. Your taste
    For nature is best. Me too fond of such
    Beautiful nature. As a marathon runner I saw many beautiful scenes in
    Mornings birds sunrise. But your taste is very different

  • Anonymous

    April 20, 2019

    Well done. Beautiful photography. Beautiful photographs of different birds and Langoors. Keep it up.

  • Anonymous

    April 22, 2019

    Nice blog, nice photos with diverse birds and animals in natural habitat. Murty Joka


    April 25, 2019

    Superb pictures, really great effort and love your passion for adventure, keep it up

  • Anonymous

    April 27, 2019

    V.nice…keep it up…best nature talent you have

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