If you desire to see the life in Wilderness, then America’s most celebrated – Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska is a perfect place to be in.
It is sharp 6 in the Morning and David Cohen is there with his bus at the Hotel’s porch. With ‘Tundra Wilderness Tour’ conspicuously mentioned on its front, it reminds you instantly of your school bus.
So as you board this bus, David takes off along with 37 others for an eight hour exciting tour right into this fabled wilderness.

This 6 million acres of rugged and relatively pristine landscape has magnificent wildlife and is famously known as the Denali National Park and Preserve (‘Denali’ , incidentally is the name given by the aboriginals of this place – ‘Arhabascans’. Denali in their dialect means ‘The Tall One’ or ‘The High One’).
Also known as Mount McKinley Park, this park was established in the year 1917. Its intact ecosystem has its air, water, rocks, plants and animals interact with each other naturally thus creating a diverse, complex and spectacular landscape.
Nearly Six Lakh intrepid travelers journey this exciting tundra Park each year. As per statistics, at least 30% of those who visit Alaska make it a point to come to Denali.
The park’s 92 miles long ‘only’ road passing through boreal forest and arctic tundra, ends at ‘Kantishna’. However, only the first 15 miles is open to all visitors. You can drive till here in your private vehicles. But, if you wish to travel further deep, the only way is to hop into any of the licensed bus that has the requisite permission to go within.

Deanali park board

bus & river
David’s Bus has all the necessary permits to wander inside. After a short halt at the Denali Visitor Center, then you cross the ‘Savage River’. The road here is filled with deposition of millions of colorful small and big rocks compelling David to drive carefully.
In the meanwhile you realize that your mobile has gone out of range. Subsequently, all the passengers inside the bus get glued to their windows watching for the legendary inhabitants of Denali National Park. They include the Grizzly Bear, Arctic Ground Squirrel, Grey Wolf, Moose, Caribou, Golden Eagle and Dall Sheep.
To hit the proverbial “Denali Grand Slam” or to make your trip successful, you need to spot at least five of these fascinating species.
So as you move, the first to come your way is a cute little brown Arctic Ground Squirrel. This one suddenly pops up from close to the road as you pass by. The Bus stops. Amused, you look at this amazing animal standing right below your window turning his neck every second.
Balancing himself intermittently on its hind legs he stares at the Bus, surprisingly, without any sign of fear or wariness. Not to miss this opportunity, with alacrity, you click as many pictures of this endearing animal as you can.

After some fascinating moments he decides to come down on his four legs, crosses the road from behind the bus and moves on the other side to get obscure behind the bushes.
Moments later as the bus moves ahead, you see a large Golden Eagle flying from over your Bus and towards the imposing Mountains at a distance. Happy ?? Yes of Course. (Two out of Five down).
Short break
It is now over 90 minutes of drive and the weather in here is predictably chilly. On the eastern side of Taklanika River that emanates from Cantwell Glaciers in the Alaskan Range is the Park’s campground. Here the tour buses halt for a brief period to facilitate passengers relieve themselves. As you alight from the bus, you see about a dozen toilets lined up. You are allowed 20 minutes to return back at your respective seat.
The fascinating journey now resumes still deeper into the woods. A few minutes later a co-passenger shouts “Stop-Stop”. David instantly applies the brake. On your right side, in a relative open area you see a ‘Caribou’ meandering hoping to scout food to feed its perennially hungry belly.
There’s another one too. Both, unmindful of your presence keep grazing, without losing focus on the terrestrial vegetation forbs (flowering plants) and shoots from the trees. (It is believed that a fully grown caribou or moose needs nearly 9800 kilo-calories/32 Kgs. of intake each day and can eat up to 18 hours continuously without getting tired.)

Bull Moose
A few Miles on, you see a ‘Male Moose/Bull Moose’ with large antlers, swaggering on the road just ahead of the Bus. David once again puts his foot on the break. A delightful sight indeed as each one in the bus, even those with mobile cameras enthusiastically try to capture pictures of this remarkable mammal. (That makes four out of five)

Later, passing from near Polychrome Mountain, at a distance you notice two tiny white dots moving up towards its peak. Through Binoculars you see couple of snow white color animals; either Dall Sheep or Mountain Goats (they both being amazingly similar) climbing up the rocky terrain. (So now it’s five out of five – Denali Grand Slam achieved.)

However the main attraction of this place is the Grizzly Bear or the Brown Bear. David announces that it is not always that these charming brown fur creatures are sighted. You have to be real lucky to spot them. Nevertheless, you keep your fingers crossed and don’t let your hopes fizzle out he goes on to add.
Mt. Denali
Then crossing Toklat River and going by Stony Hill, 66 miles into this park you reach Eielson Visitor’s center. A place from where you can see the legendary, awe inspiring and incredibly mesmerizing, highest Mountain Peak of North America, the captivating – Mt. Denali.

Incidentally Mt. Denali is taller than India’s Mt. Everest considering its vertical rise from base to summit. (Whereas Mt. Everest has 5,200 meters vertical rise, Mt. Denali is 5,500 meters. Mt. Everest nevertheless remains the highest mountain on this planet when calculating its height from sea level). Around 1200 climbers endeavor to climb Mt. Denali each year but only half of them succeed. (Nearly 100 adventurists have lost their lives attempting to climb this peak till date.)
With great enthusiasm you capture the images of this charming Mountain in your Camera.

It’s time now to return. Driving back David ensures to keep you occupied with some interesting historical anecdotes of this place. But surely, like mine, behind each one’s mind was the dying desire to spot the elusive Grizzly Bear. As time passed, your hopes begin to recede.
Grizzly Bears
Just as you have nearly given up, David stops. You look out of your window and delightfully see; not one but two Brown Grizzly Bears, a mother and her calf busy grazing on grass and berries nonchalantly only a few meters away.

Accordingly, you focus your camera on them almost instantly with multiple clicks following. Everyone in the bus uses whatever devise they have to capture these priceless pictures.
The sounds of clicks are now omnipresent. Both, mother and cub continued to glutton on their choicest food as they walk further and further away from the Bus. Soon they get so far as to get indistinct.

Smiles on the faces of all in the bus are unmistakable. Everyone realizes that they have been really lucky to be here at the right moment. Now, that you have now HIT one more than the desired DENALI GRAND SLAM. (Five + One out of Five). You are elated ! And why not ?

Even before your excitement has subsided, you see another Grizzly Bear. This one is seemingly young and is walking across the tundra ridge to your right. Your 200-500mm zoom lens fitted on Nikon D850 now comes truly handy. You immediately zoom-in to take his pictures thereby making your repertoire look more appealing.
Once out of the Park, David drops you back to your Hotel.
Downtown Denali
Its 5 pm. The day looks still bright. You would not like to waste time idling in the Hotel room; so you take the free shuttle bus to Downtown Denali and wander a bit to see things there.

Downtown Denali is very small. It’s around 100 meters long lined with shops displaying souvenirs with few eating joints in-between.
After some purchases and some snacks, you take the shuttle back to the hotel. Wine and Dine and go to bed to leave for another fascinating Alaskan City – Talkeetna, the next Morning, by Road.
Talkeetna is a small town with close to 100 permanent residents staying here. It however has a Rangers Station from where hikers arriving from all over the world assemble prior to commencing their climb to their aspired mountain, including Mt. Denali.

After a night halt at the striking Talkeetna’s Lodge and wandering through its downtown replete with classy restaurants, savoring exclusive beer from visitor’s favorite ‘Denali Brew Pub’, you visit the local museum before proceeding back to Anchorage to be in time to board your return flight to Vancouver (Canada).
Thus marking the culminating of one of the most memorable journey to the most sought after place on this planet – Alaska.
Wonderful…. just wordless
Wow !!! Such an outstanding, magnificent pictures.
Great, excellent photography
Great article and photography
Wow !!! Amazing pictures .. thanks for sharing this information about this beautiful place .. will definitely visit with my kids … they would love it …